Professional Maker


Sharing the pie

In my house hold, as I was growing up, there was always a fight for the largest slice of pie (of the apple variety). There would always be an air of smugness from whom got the largest slice and injustice from whom got the smallest.

We found the fairest system was that the pie would be divided up into the required portions, but rather than the “slicer” getting the final piece, which would often end up being the largest, all the portions would remain in the dishes and the slicer would then get the last pick. With this system, the slicer is incentivised to divide the pie as equally as possible, so ideally there is no small slice and they would be happy with any.

Now, imagine if we could apply the same principle to politics, where the policy and decision makers had to create a system of which they could end up with the smallest slice…

I guess the closest thing we could get now, without a complete overhaul of the political and economic system, is that politicians and their families, as a part of their job, have to live on council estates, with only use of public transport, NHS, council run schools and receive the minimum when. If this was applied, we would soon get an new type of politician, one of which would live among the people and for the people…